Name: VFL
Password: VFL@SVA-2024!
2024 - 2025 Academic Year
Mon - Thurs 10 am - 10 pm
Friday 10am - 6pm
Sat & Sun 12pm - 8pm
The VFL closes for appointments during scheduled classes. Hours may vary on holidays and over the Summer.
You can find our policies in full on our Policy page. Please read before coming to the VFL. All rules and policies must be followed.
Yes, some tools are available for borrowing. Before borrowing a tool, inform a staff member about what you need and the tool will be logged out for you. Tools may be checked out for 24 hours. All tools must be returned directly to a staff member in the condition in which they were borrowed. Lost or damaged tools may incur charges to the borrower. You must stay present while the tool is checked back in to avoid risk of incurring undeserved charges. Do not leave tools on work tables or in the hallway when the VFL is closed.
Please review VFL rules and policies before making an appointment. Schedule your appointment on our Appointments page.
The VFL may be closed during your desired appointment time, or the machine has already been reserved, or it is out of service. If you believe there is an error on our scheduling tool, please email us at vfl@sva.edu and we can help you out.
Most tools and equipment require training, while others do not. Explore our Equipment pages to see if training is required for the tools you are hoping to use.
Yes! To speak with a VFL staff member broadly about your project, schedule a General Consultation appointment.
Additionally, our staff members all have particular areas of expertise. Feel free to email them directly below:
Kyle Fakhoury Electronics Fabrication Specialist (electronics, soldering, CNC)
Melike Baskoylu Woodshop Fabrication Specialist (general wood fabrication, CNC)
Huy Nguyen Digital Fabrication Specialist (3D Printing, laser cutting)
Neal Cashman Mixed Media Specialist (UV Printing, 3D Scanning, rug tufting, sewing, blender 3D software)
If an assignment to prototype or fabricate at the VFL draws a total blank, it is most likely that the teacher and the student are not clearly communicating. In this instance, students are advised to return to their faculty and administrative staff to get support.
If an opportunity for more informational sessions is identified, please contact VFL Director, Sinclair Smith, for a consultation.
The VFL offers a range of materials suited for fabrication on the lab’s machines. Custom materials may also be brought in for fabrication but must be approved by staff.
View the materials we keep in stock, and their prices, here on our price sheet.